Top 10 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Giving Birth

As an expecting mom it can be hard to know what advice to listen to. Sally down the street says an epidural and induction is the way to go, Your bestie Haley has home births with a midwife catching her babies. Kelly says to trust your doctor while your friend Ellie is saying the medical system is crazy. And then there’s also Brittney at your job, who says you’ve got to have that Tesla of strollers and get back into your workout routine fast so you can to “get your body back”. So many options and pressures, it can feel overwhelming for many expecting parents.

The reality of what to expect, as well as what’s the best way to do things, truly depends on the type of birth and early postpartum time that you desire… as well as it’s often navigated by what’s medically best for mom and baby, acknowledging the fact that what may be the best option for one isn’t the best option for EVERYONE is key. So let’s jump right into what women we poled said about their experience.

  1. Birth Plan Flexibility: Many women wish they had known that birth plans may need to be flexible as labor can be unpredictable, and it's important to be open to changes no matter where you plan to birth or what type of birth you desire going in.

  2. Labor Can Be Long: Understanding that labor can be a lengthy process is essential. Women often wish they had mentally prepared for a potentially long labor and delivery. First time moms often end up exhausted through early labor because they get excited and don’t rest. It’s imperative to be prepared.

  3. Pain Management Options: Knowing about all available pain management options, from medication to natural techniques, can help women make informed decisions during labor. Medication doesn’t always work they way it’s meant to and 60-70% of those who choose an epidural need to continue to use other natural pain relief measures along side it.

  4. Importance of Support: Women wish they had known how crucial emotional and physical support during labor is. Having a trusted birth partner such as a certified doula can make a significant difference according to evidence based research in lowering unplanned cesarean risk and increased satisfaction with your experience being among the long list of benefits.

  5. Postpartum Recovery: Understanding the challenges of postpartum recovery, both physically and emotionally, is vital. Many women wish they had known more about this aspect of childbirth. Ask your care provider and Doula for information on how to best prepare for this transformative time in your life.

  6. Breastfeeding Support: Women often wish they had learned more about breastfeeding before giving birth. Seeking support from lactation consultants or breastfeeding groups can be beneficial. Learn about breast pumps, hand expression, how often baby should be offered feedings, and how to get a deep latch to prevent nipple damage!

  7. Sleep Deprivation: Knowing that sleep deprivation is a common experience after giving birth can help women and their partners prepare for this challenging aspect of early parenthood. Moods run high and patience is thin, so have some grace for yourself and partner, and knowing what’s normal about baby’s sleep needs helps keep it in perspective for you.

  8. Baby Care Basics: Learning essential baby care skills, such as diapering, swaddling, bathing and soothing techniques, beforehand can boost new mothers' confidence in her own ability.

  9. Emotional Changes: Understanding the emotional changes that can occur post-birth is crucial. Many women wish they had known more about the baby blues, postpartum depression, anxiety, PTSD from birth etc…. and seeking help when needed is essential to every family member’s wellbeing.

  10. Self-Compassion: Women wish they had known the importance of being kind to themselves during the postpartum period. Practicing self-compassion and asking for help are vital for adjusting to motherhood. A little bit of grace goes a long way. By the way, Therapy is a form of self care/self compassion/self grace and a great way to prepare for birth and the first year of your baby’s life!

By being aware of these top 10 things women wish they knew before giving birth, YOU expecting mama, can better prepare yourself for the transformative journey of childbirth and early motherhood. For more information on how you can get more prepared for birth, check out our other blog posts on ALL the BIG ticket topics that matter to pregnant moms!


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