Doulas of Jacksonville

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Embracing the Waves: Experiencing Water Birth in Jacksonville

Water birth with Doulas of Jacksonville, Photo by: Devon E. Jones Photography

When it comes to the miracle of childbirth, every expecting parent wants a comfortable, peaceful, and empowering experience. This desire has led many families in Jacksonville, FL to consider water birth as an alternative birthing option. Water birth provides a unique and soothing environment for both the mother and baby. Let’s explore the benefits of water birth and help you understand why it has become an increasingly popular choice for expectant parents in Jacksonville.

What is Water Birth?

Water birth refers to the process of giving birth in a warm pool of water, either at home or in a birthing center. The idea behind water birth is to create an environment that closely mimics the amniotic sac, providing a gentle transition for the baby from the womb to the outside world. This has many benefits for mom as well such as a reduced risk of tearing at birth. The water is usually kept at body temperature, making it comfortable and calming for the mom.

Why Choose a Water Birth?

Natural Pain Relief

One of the main reasons why many women in Jacksonville choose water birth is its ability to provide natural pain relief during labor. The warm water relaxes the muscles and releases endorphins, reducing the intensity of contractions and promoting a sense of calm. Many women find that being in the water helps them manage pain without the need for medical interventions like epidurals.

Increased Relaxation Facilitates a Gentle Birth

Water birth creates a soothing and relaxing environment for both the mother and the baby. The buoyancy provided by the water allows the mother to move more freely, enabling better positioning to assist the progress of labor. The warm water helps to ease tension and anxiety, promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being throughout the birthing process. The water provides a cushioning effect, reducing the pressure on the mother's joints and tissues. This can facilitate a smoother and gentler birth, minimizing the risk of tears or trauma. The water also creates a more gentle transition for the baby, mimicking the amniotic fluid they have been surrounded by in the womb.

Reduces the Need for Medical Interventions

Water birth has been associated with a decreased need for medical interventions such as labor augmentation, forceps, or vacuum extraction. The relaxed state of the mother and the freedom of movement allowed by the water can enhance the progress of labor naturally. This can lead to a lower rate of interventions, lower risk of tearing at birth and a more positive experience all the way around.

Water birth with Doulas of Jacksonville, Photo by: Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & Support

Where Can You Have a Water Birth In Jacksonville?

In short, at home or in one of our lovely birth centers with a certified midwife. You see, in northeast FL there’s no water birth access in any of our local labor & delivery units. Even if there is a tub in the labor room the hospital system will drain the tub if you start pushing while in it (I know, insert eye roll emoji)! Therefore, if birthing in calming waters is your dream, head for out of hospital birth!

Start with searching for “home birth midwifery practices” and “birth centers in Jax FL” and make some calls to see if they accept your insurance coverage, what extra fees are associated, if you need to file for a special exemption to get your ins. policy to cover some or all of your out of hospital birth. Ask them questions like, “what’s your transfer to hospital rate” and “what type of equipment do you carry to a birth (or have at the birth center)” etc.

Below is a list of home and birth center based midwifery practices! Check them out or head over to our resource list to see a more complete list of practices we recommend!

Reasons A Water Birth May Not Be An Option?

When a pregnant woman is classified as “high risk” it means birthing out of hospital may not be the wisest choice. If your high risk status is just that you’re over the age of 35, a bit overweight, or just have a little high fluid or a thyroid condition etc. then a birth center or home birth isn’t out of the question! And definitely merits a conversation with the practice you would like to go with to see if you would be a good candidate for out of hospital birth. But if you’re classified as high risk because baby has a heart condition or birth defect, or you have another major health condition such as epilepsy, diabetes, severe hypertension etc, then you may not qualify for out of hospital birth.

At the end of the day, it’s still worth a call to some of our local practices to ensure you’ve done all you can to set yourself up for the birth experience you desire! If you are considering a water birth in Jacksonville, FL, you can rest assured that you will be in capable and compassionate hands. With our experienced team of skilled professionals at Doulas of Jacksonville, you can trust that safety and comfort are our top priorities. Water birth offers numerous benefits, including pain relief, relaxation, and a peaceful environment for both mother and baby. Our dedicated and knowledgeable staff is available to guide you through every step of the process, helping you make informed decisions and ensuring a positive birth experience. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you in achieving the water birth you desire.