Doulas of Jacksonville

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Do I Want a Doula?

Many speak of Doulas but do you really want another person in your birthing space? Well, that depends! So, let me help you figure this out!


A doula is a professional who is trained in physiological childbirth, as well as how to support women through all types of birth. Doulas provide continuous support to a mother before, during, and just after birth. "Doula" comes from a Greek word that means “a woman who serves”.  

WHAT DO DOULAS DO?                                             

-Provide emotional support

-Uses comfort measures: massage, breathing, relaxation, movement, position changes   

-Gives childbirth information

-Continuously reassures and comforts birthing parents (the key word is continuous—a doula never leaves the mother’s side)

-Helps birthing parents become informed about all birth options & the positive & negative effects (benefits & risks) of each option

-Empowers the birthing mother and partner to advocate for themselves and helps facilitate communication between the mother and care provider

-Looks after your partner as well (gives them bathroom breaks!), but their primary responsibility is to the mother


•       31% decrease in the use of Pitocin

•       39% decrease in the risk of an unplanned cesarean

•       12% increase in the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth

•       9% decrease in the use of any medications for pain relief

•       14% decrease in the risk of newborns being admitted to a special care nursery

•       34% decrease in the risk of being dissatisfied with the birth experience

Evidence Based Birth States

"One study found that new mothers expected their nurse to spend 53% of her time offering support, but only 6%–10% of the nurses time was actually engaged in labor support activities & only 15% of the nurses time was spent in the room with the birthing person."

Looking at what a Doula is, does & can effect in birth, would you want to have a professional with you who can provide this service? Does the thought of reducing your risk of an unplanned cesarean & being happier with your experience sound appealing? If so, then I think you have your answer on whether you would want a Doula supporting you through birth.

From an all natural birth in the woods to a planned cesarean birth, every birthing person can benefit from doula support. Contact us at Doulas of Jacksonville today to find a doula that’s right for you.