Doulas of Jacksonville

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Baby’s First Christmas

How to make it special without stressing out!

As a married mom of three and a Doula & agency owner by trade, many ask me how they can make their baby’s first Christmas memorable without over doing it or stressing out over the little things. So we are going to tackle that task right here and now!

Things to remember:

  1. Your sweet baby will never remember their first Christmas. Period. All they will know of is what they see in pictures later on in life. Stop overthinking it now.

  2. Memories. That’s what we are going for here. Children thrive on spending time with their loving parents no matter what age they are. Stop overthinking it now.

Keep it simple

  • Get ONE good picture of you as a family. The perfect photo will happen when you have poop on you. You will love it later. Not now… but later.

  • Don’t fuss with gifts. Odds are your sweet baby already will have everything he/she needs. There is literally no point except a photo op…that will turn out blurry anyway.

  • Memorable is the goal. For you…not them. So, make a foot print ornament! Get a picture of the baby with their grandparents if possible. Walk out in your neighborhood and enjoy the Christmas lights. Take MENTAL pictures to remember all the magical moments together.

No need to fuss

No need to cook or clean. Just enjoy your sweet family. Your mother knows what it was like to have a baby at Christmas. She will understand if you don’t get around to making that to die for cheese cake you always bring. Grab one from Publix and call it a success! Or better yet stay home in pj’s and eat leftover take out if you like! It is 2021 for goodness sake. If you make it to Christmas, you have made it girl!

Remember the reason for the season

We all have our reasons to celebrate during the holidays. Whether you are celebrating Jesus’ birthday, happy to see joy on your kids faces as they open gifts or just plain happy you made it through the last 2 years….. no matter the reason, love one another. Be thankful for all that you have and the loved ones that surround you. Many are not as fortunate as others and spend the holidays alone or in a shelter.

Remember, love, peace & hope do a world of good.