Doulas of Jacksonville

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7 Steps to Laboring Without an Epidural

Labor is a natural process that must come to pass when it comes to giving birth. At least for those giving birth vaginally anyway. You know what physiological birth is and are eager to experience it! You want to be an active member of your birth process… feel every sensation like a wave as it rushes over you… You picture those moments of loving glances from your partner as he looks upon your laboring body as if it’s a masterpiece… with such care and admiration in his eyes!

In reality, you may very well experience this scenario mentioned above. But for most it’s not quite as warm and fussy as that. It’s probably more along the lines of “get your butt in the car!….don’t touch me! don’t talk to me!”…. coupled with some not so “G” rated words and lots of deep breathing and moaning.

So let’s get some GREAT tools on board to help you not only cope and get through birth without medical pain relief… but tools that can help make your birth experience as calm, peaceful and positive as possible!

#1 HIRE A DOULA!!!!!!!!

I cannot stress this point enough!! A Doula is a birth professional who is trained in helping birthing women and their families through the birth process. Want to go natural, get an epidural or have a scheduled cesarean? SHE’S YOUR TOOL!! We Doulas are trained in everything under the sun. From coaching you through a cesarean to helping you breathe your baby out through the crowning stage to avoid tearing…from aiding pain relief with hip squeezes at your home, to dropping a few drops of lavender at the head of your bed to cover up the poop smell so you don’t have to focus on the fact that you just pooped the bed… your Birth Doula is there for you every step of the way.


Really, this point should be #1, but oh well! Hire an OB or Midwife who supports and cares for patients through natural birth on a regular basis. The last thing you want to worry about as you walk into the hospital, birth center…or birth at your home… is whether or not you chose the right care provider! So, work with a practice that will support, honor and encourage your own birth wishes in labor and not impose their own. And of course, work with a practice that supports physiological birth. Which includes being comfortable catching your baby as you give birth in whatever position your heart desires to do so in!!


So, all the good intentions and well laid plans in the world can’t hold a candle to the fact that BIRTH HAS A MIND OF IT’S OWN! That is exactly why you NEED to take a childbirth education (CBE) class! Seriously! When it comes to experiencing childbirth, you need to have some idea of what to really expect. In comes the CBE class! Find one in your area that is evidence based. One that teaches breathing techniques, relaxation methods, positions that encourage comfort as well as positions that are proven to aid progress in the birth process…not hinder it. A class that will cover all of the curve balls that birth can throw at you. So that you are prepared and informed to be able to make those quick choices that sometimes need to be made. It will also help prepare your partner to know how to help you!


Once labor commences it can be hard to just BE. But this is exactly the time you want to do just that! Get into a comfortable position and just rest! If you can’t sleep through or in between the pressure waves then just pop in a funny movie and rest your body. Side laying positions with a pillow between your legs is best. Eat a snack drink some water and rest knowing that this may be the last few minutes you have to rest your body before the hard work of ACTIVE LABOR, TRANSITION AND PUSHING commences. And if you are already exhausted from being up and excited for hours…or days of early labor, then I will assure you right here and now… that your body will not be able to keep your energy up to give birth on it’s own. In short, REST.


When you can no longer rest because those waves are now crashing over you, change positions. Get up and use the help of gravity to naturally progress labor and ease comfort! Studies show that when women are in active labor, being in an upright position helps baby to naturally drop lower into the pelvis and put more pressure on the cervix. In turn, aiding the progress of labor! Here are a few suggestions to get your wheels turning:

  • Standing and leaning into a birth partner, bed, table or wall

  • Sitting on a ball

  • Leaning on a ball (standing or sitting)

  • Peanut ball

  • Toilet

  • Shower

  • Tub

  • Walking

    Which brings me to my next point…


The benefits of using water in labor are AMAZING! REALLY!! Water softens the perineal tissue to aid the stretch you need as baby crowns (when the top of the head emerges). A bath relieves gravity’s pressure on your body as the contraction waves flow to ease pain by making you buoyant in the water. A shower can ease those tired muscles while hydrating them. As well as give you a good change of scenery! All of these benefits are immeasurable when you’ve hit your breaking point. And yes… you will hit your breaking point. So enjoy the sweet relief of hydrotherapy and think on your sweet baby’s face while you’re at it!


Yep! You read that right!! YOU WILL WANT TO GIVE UP. PERIOD. We all have a point where we say “nope, I’m not doing this anymore!” I have had Birth Doula clients say “nope, I’m leaving..I’m not doing this…Honey get my bag!” LOL We laugh about it now! But at the time she really thought she could just get up and walk out of that birth place and just not ever give birth. LOL You will hit that point too! So don’t fear it! Expect it!

But know… that it means you are almost done. Yep! YOU ARE ALMOST DONE…YOU WILL HAVE YOUR BABY IN YOUR ARMS BEFORE YOU KNOW IT! So hang on, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that this means you are almost done!

There is so much more I could say to you, but I’ll end with this most important fact. YOU CAN DO THIS! Believe it! Claim it! Shout it from the roof tops! You were created to give birth! And know that no matter how you give birth, whether it be naturally or through a planned cesarean… You are POWERFUL, STRONG & ARE A WONDERFUL MOM ALREADY! So hang in there and have faith that you can do this!